Account passwords and logging in
If you can't log in
If you don't have an Xactware ID, follow the instructions in the Accounts and account IDs help article (link).
If you need to recover your password, follow the instructions in the Recover your Verisk account password section of this help article.
Recover your Verisk account password
- Navigate to
- Select Forgot your password? at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the Verisk Reset Password page

- Enter your account email address.

- Select Reset Password. If an account with the email address you entered exists, a password reset will be sent.
- When you receive the Password Reset notification, select Reset Password. This takes you to the Verisk Reset your Okta password page.

- Enter a new password, making sure to meet the listed password requirements.

- Re-enter your new password to confirm it.
- Select Reset Password.
Recover your ClaimXperience password
- Navigate to the Welcome to ClaimXperience page (

- Enter your email address.
- Select Continue. This takes you to the ClaimXperience log in page.
- Click Forgot your password? at the bottom of the page. This takes you to the Reset Password page.

- Enter your email address.

- Select Reset Password. If an account with the email you entered exists, a password reset will be sent.
- When you receive the Password Reset notification, select Reset Password. This takes you to the Verisk Reset your password page.

- Enter a new password, making sure to meet the listed requirements.

- Re-enter your password.
- Select Reset Password.
Change your ClaimXperience password
- Click your name at the top-right side of your dashboard.

- Select My Account. This takes you to the Profile page.
- Select Password from the side navigation menu. This takes you to the Password page.

- Select Change Password. This takes you to your Account Settings page.
- Select Change Password.

- Enter your old password.

- Enter your new password, making sure to meet the requirements listed.
- Confirm your new password.
- Select Save.