Team member: Export an inventory to Excel or Xactimate/XactContents

Updated by Jennifer B.

Personal property inventories can be exported to Excel or Xactimate/XactContents.

Create an Excel spreadsheet of a personal property inventory
  1. Select Personal Property from your left-side navigation menu.
  1. Click the Open actions menu vertical ellipsis below your name in the top right side of your dashboard.
  1. Select Export Inventory.
  2. Click the Export to line.
  1. Select Excel.
  2. Select the type of items to include.
The check boxes to export Replace items and Clean/Storage items are only visible if there are items in those lists. 
  1. Select Export to compile the spreadsheet. You are notified by email or in-app notification when your export is ready.
Export a personal property inventory to Xactimate/XactContents
You can only export unflagged submitted items to Xactimate/XactContents. This ensures items exported to Xactimate/XactContents include all fields required to price those items.
  1. Select Personal Property from your left-side navigation menu.
  1. Click the Open actions menu vertical ellipsis below your name in the top right side of your dashboard.
  1. Select Export Inventory.
  2. Click the Export to line.
  1. Select Xactimate/XactContents.
  2. Enter your XactNet address. The full XactNet address must be entered for the data to be sent to Xactimate.
  1. Select the type of items to include.
The check boxes to export Replace items and Clean/Storage items are only visible if there are items in those lists.
  1. Select Export.
If Xactimate/XactContents is selected when items are added after the initial export, the check box to only export new/edited items will be checked automatically. Clear the check box to re-export the full items inventory.
Accept a personal property inventory exported from ClaimXperience in Xactimate
  1. When you receive a notification in Xactimate that a ClaimXperience personal property inventory is received in Xactimate, select the notification icon.
  1. Select the desired action, either MERGE or CREATE NEW.
    • MERGE: Merge the contents inventory with an existing estimate.
    • CREATE NEW: Create a new estimate using the inventory.
  2. After following the prompts for the selected action, the inventory is exported directly into an Xactimate assignment or estimate.

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