
Updated by Jennifer B.

360Value® is a valuation tool that helps you determine an accurate value of a structure, guiding you through the process of performing a valuation on a structure using a series of smart questions.

Request a 360Value valuation report
  1. Select Services from your side navigation menu.
  2. Select Request on the 360Value report line.
  3. Select the type of property for which you are requesting the report.
  4. Select Request. After the report is requested, the line for the 360Value report will display in both the Services and Requested tabs.
Returned reports are available in the Files module.
Update an existing 360Value valuation report
  1. Select Services in the side navigation menu.
  1. Select the Requested tab.
  1. Select the Open actions menu by using the vertical ellipsis.
  2. Select Update valuation.
  1. Select < Edit at the bottom of the page until you reach the page with the information you need to update.
  1. Update information as needed. The types of information you can edit include year built, total finished square feet, home quality grade, address, roof cover, floor cover, and more.
  2. After you finish editing the information, select Continue > until you reach the last page. Your last page has a button titled Calculate Now > instead of Continue >.
  1. Select Calculate Now > to update the valuation with the edited information.
A line with the edited valuation appears above the original valuation on the Services page, and the updated valuation report is available in the Files module.

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