You are notified by either email or in-app message that a .csv file of your report is available to download. Reports are valid for 30 days after they are created. After 30 days, the report must be re-run.
Available reports
Additional Living Expenses report: This report provides a high level overview of the additional living expenses task. This includes information regarding how much has been paid on the claim as a whole, the additional living expenses by category, and amounts currently pending, approved, or denied. To see a list of all expenses refer to the detail reports.
Billing report: This report provides a comprehensive view for administrators regarding the events being billed and the people responsible for initiating the event that triggered the creation of the invoice.
Current satisfaction report: This report shows each customer satisfaction rating (0-10) as indicated by the customer, along with any additional comments they've entered throughout the claims process. Each time the customer changes their satisfaction level it is represented in this report.
Custom tasks report – High-level: This is a high level overview of the usage of custom tasks. This provides a list of every custom task assigned, who it was assigned by, who it was assigned to, as well as other information regarding the assignee and the status of completion.
Individual resources report: This report lists current individual ClaimXperience® users within your company. It also indicates which users have any of the following rights: video collaborator, claims administrator, instance administrator.
Personal property report: This is a detailed report regarding the use of the personal property task. This includes specific details regarding the involvement of the policyholder and other team members, including specific totals for items needing to be replaced or cleaned.
Policyholder collaboration report: This is a holistic report showing all ClaimXperience® projects (claims) that have been initiated. It includes details about the policyholders and team members participating on a project, as well as a count of each content type added to the project.
Video collaboration report: This report lists all video collaboration instances on a per project (claim) basis. This includes the number of videos and photos that are attached to each project. Additionally, it lists when the first and latest live collaboration calls occurred.
Video collaboration session report: This report provides information on each video collaboration live call conducted within a ClaimXperience® project.
ALE detail report: This report provides a detailed view of each additional living expense.
ALE normal expense report: This report provides a detailed view of each normal expense category added in Additional Living Expenses.
ALE request receipts report: This report provides a detailed view of each request receipt link that has been sent within the Additional Living Expenses task.
Calendar detail report: This report provides details on calendar events, including when they were created, who created them, the calendar event type, and who they were shared with.
Documents detail report: This report provides details on documents, including type, when documents were uploaded, who uploaded them, document descriptions, and who the documents are currently shared with.
Messages detail report: This report provides details on messages, including when messages were created, who created them, and the content of the messages.
Personal Property detail report: This report shows all the field values for every item entered into personal property. It also contains information on those who added or edited items. Note: Depending upon the number of personal property items included in the selected date range, this report may take longer than usual to run.
Photo detail report: This report provides details on photos, including when photos were uploaded, who uploaded them, photo descriptions, and who the photos are currently shared with.
Videos detail report: This report provides details on videos, including when videos were uploaded, who uploaded them, video descriptions, and who the videos are currently shared with.
All detail reports: This creates a zip file of the detail reports, including calendar, documents, messages, photos, and videos.