Team member: Apply a label to a file

Updated by Jennifer B.

Apply a label when creating a file
  1. Click Files in your Main menu.
  2. Click the checkboxes of the file tiles you want to apply the new label to.
  3. Click Labels [] in the toolbox below your name.
  4. Select Add label.
  5. Enter the Label name.
  6. Select a team member with whom to share the label. (optional)
  7. Click Create.
Apply an existing label to a file

Option 1

  1. Click Files in your General Collaboration menu.
  2. Click Open file options menu [] on the file you want to add a label to.
  3. Select Labels.
  4. Select the label you want to apply.

Option 2

  1. Click Files in your General Collaboration menu.
  2. Select the checkbox of the file you want to apply the label to.
  3. Click Labels [] in the toolbox below your name.
  4. Select Apply label.
  5. Select the label you want to apply.

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