Team member: Apply a label

Updated by Jennifer B.

When creating the label

  1. Click Files in your Main menu.
  2. Click the checkboxes of the file tiles you want to apply the new label to.
  3. Click Labels [] in the toolbox below your name.
  4. Select Add label.
  5. Enter the Label name.
  6. Select a team member with whom to share the label. (optional)
  7. Click Create.

To apply an existing label to a file

Option 1

  1. Click Files in your General Collaboration menu.
  2. Click Open file options menu [] on the file you want to add a label to.
  3. Select Labels.
  4. Select the label you want to apply.

Option 2

  1. Click Files in your General Collaboration menu.
  2. Select the checkbox of the file you want to apply the label to.
  3. Click Labels [] in the toolbox below your name.
  4. Select Apply label.
  5. Select the label you want to apply.

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