What's New in ClaimXperience

Updated by Jennifer B.

The ClaimXperience releases contain new features and updates designed to improve your experience. Highlights from the releases are listed below. For a complete list of changes, please see the release notes on the eService Centre.

Features marked with an asterisk (*) are controlled by preferences. To enable these features, please contact your account manager or call 1-800-424-9228.

This information is updated as soon as possible before the release. We appreciate your patience if a release is listed in our product release dates but has not been added here.

9 July 2024 (CX.2024.7.1000)

We upgraded the report service we use to generate requested reports.

We are currently working on our next generation of reports, which will be identified with the v2 designation in the Report selector. We will sunset the original reports when new versions of all existing reports are available.

11 June 2024 (CX.2024.6.1000)

You can now use our API offerings to reassign a project's primary contact; you can also use them to add, update, or remove a team member's MFN after a project is created.

We no longer offer RealTwiin® reports through ClaimXperience.

To streamline marking projects as complete, we added a Complete Project quick-action button to the dashboards of claims administrators and team members with full access to the project.

14 May 2024 (CX.2024.5.1000)

Providing a more inclusive experience for users outside of the insurance industry, we added a non-insurance instance type. This alters the insurance-specific field names when selected at instance creation.

16 April 2024 (CX.2024.4.2000)

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

1 April 2024 (CX.2024.4.1000)

We updated the ClaimXperience platform to meet the WCAG 2.1, level AA standards for accessibility.

Customers who use our API offerings can now retrieve custom task assignment short link URLs and QR code links that were generated at the time of project creation.

5 March 2024 (CX.2024.3.1000)

Users can now enable closed captioning on video collaboration live calls.

20 February 2024 (CX.2024.2.2000)

Live call participants can now enable closed captioning on video collaboration live calls.

When transcripts or summaries of MP4 video files are generated, PDFs are also created and added to the Files page.

We added a Summary tab to the File details drawer. The information in this tab provides a brief summary of the transcription, a detailed list of personal property items identified in the transcription, and a way to add those items to an inventory. The Summary feature is only available when an instance administrator enables it.

6 February 2024 (CX.2024.2.1000)

We added a tab to the File details drawer, which allows you to generate a transcription of an uploaded MP4 video. Transcriptions can be generated for all MP4 videos.

We added a setting that administrators can enable to have additional living expense (ALE) tasks assigned automatically via API.

We improved the contrast in tables, menus, and tabs to more clearly reflect elements that are selected or that the cursor is hovering over.

We added an option that allows a project to be automatically marked complete when a specified custom task is completed.

We improved the media sheet creation process to automatically create a new export if files are added after a media sheet is generated.

Carriers can now access short links for custom task assignment URLs, which also allows them to create QR codes for custom task assignments. The short links and QR codes are available via the API only. Including the QR codes in custom task assignments helps assignees more easily complete their custom tasks.

23 January 2024

We fixed an issue that prevented a claim’s primary contact from displaying on certain reports generated via API.

We updated the Contents inventory import template to mirror the template used for XactContents.

We improved the contrast surrounding buttons and icons to more clearly indicate when keyboard focus is on them.

12 December 2023

Using our API offerings, you can now generate specialized Detail ALE request receipts reports and ALE Normal expenses reports that only contain information updated within a seven-day range.

We added OAuth 2.0 for authenticating using our EDI offerings. This method for authentication is the only option available for new instances and instances that don't already use Basic Auth. Users who currently use Basic Auth will be able to select either Basic Auth or OAuth 2.0 as their authentication method.

30 November 2023

We updated the icon Android device users will see when they download and use the OneXperience app.

Using our API offerings, you can now generate specialized Additional Living Expenses reports and Personal Property details reports that only contain information updated within a seven-day range

We added an ALE request receipts report to our detail reports; this report provides information related to the receipt request link, including:

  • The link itself
  • Who the link was sent to
  • When the link was sent
  • The method used to send the link
  • The number of expenses submitted using the link

We updated the Personal Property import template to mirror the template used for XactContents.

14 November 2023

Users now see calculated values for areas, perimeters, and volumes when they enter room dimensions in custom tasks.

You can now apply overhead and profit (O&P) values to estimates in the Damage Assessment Automation™ (DAA) workflow.

31 October 2023

The Contents detail report now includes ClaimXperience replacement item IDs on items that need to be replaced. These IDs are internal and specific to ClaimXperience, making them different from the item IDs assigned by XactContents.

The ALE detail report and the Expense detail CSV now include the expense ID, data internal to ClaimXperience.

We added access to the 360Value plug-in for personal lines projects using the Services page where users can edit 360Value valuations ordered through OneXperience (through ClaimXperience).

We updated the name of the address field in the Additional living expenses info drawer to Loss address to prevent users from entering incorrect addresses.

3 October 2023

Administrators can now enable a setting that prevents policyholders and other external claim participants from seeing employee names in documents.

Additional living expense (ALE) Excel files no longer download automatically. Instead, users are notified by email or in-app notification when the exports are ready.

We updated the default file names for downloaded additional living expense (ALE) and personal property Excel files to help users better identify the information the file contains.

ClaimXperience customers using our API offerings can now look up project IDs using a policy or project number.

We updated the Custom Task workflow to ensure that line items attached to room shape questions use the room name input, or the question name (if not displayed), as the folder name when sent to Xactimate.

19 September 2023

To prevent the loss of unsaved data, users are now alerted when they attempt to navigate away from a drawer without saving their changes.

Instance administrators can enable the option to hide the last names of internal team members from policyholders and external team members for notifications, email messages, in-platform messaging, forms, and calendar items.

We updated the way the OneXperience mobile app displays on Android devices to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

25 July 2023

We added an ALE normal expense report that provides a detailed view of normal expenses entered as additional living expenses.

Upcoming event

On August 2, 2023, one of the vendors we use for video collaboration will be making changes to their allowed global and regional IP list. To minimize interruptions to your video collaboration service, contact your account manager for an updated IP list and work with your internal network team to update your firewall rules before this date.

12 July 2023

Instance administrators can now use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate push notifications from OneXperience to their company's internal system.

Excel file exports no longer download automatically. Instead, users are notified by email or in-app notifications when the exports are ready. This is consistent with the current process for reports.

Instance administrators can now request that a Verisk administrator configure an SFTP server for receiving custom task reports for completed projects containing completed custom tasks.

Upcoming event

On 2 August 2023, one of the vendors we use for video collaboration will be making changes to their allowed global and regional IP list. To minimize interruptions to your video collaboration service, contact your account manager for an updated IP list and work with your internal network team to update your firewall rules before this date.

27 June 2023

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

13 June 2023

Administrators can now enable a Sync content to additional MFN option in a custom task’s Settings card. When this option is enabled, non-policyholder team members can share custom tasks and files with more than one MFN via API using the Assign task drawer.

Instance administrators can now provide domain URLs in which they intend to embed custom task forms to further streamline the process for damage assessment automation (DAA) assignments.

16 May 2023

Users can now submit .hevc files, which are not supported by some browsers, for conversion into a file type that their browser does support.

2 May 2023

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

18 April 2023

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

4 April 2023
This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.
7 March 2023

ClaimXperience users who are trying to link to XactAnalysis can now update claim and policy numbers in the Link to XactAnalysis drawer.

21 February2023

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

14 February 2023

Instance administrators can now require project email addresses on projects to ensure records are updated with all project activity.

24 January 2023

When policyholders change the email with which they want to create their account, they are now required to confirm the new email address.

When customers using ClaimXperience assign custom tasks using the Copy URL method, the copied URL will be returned using the API edi-custom-task-assignment-rest GET call.

13 December 2022

Policyholders now receive a verification email when they create a ClaimXperience account with a different email address than the one used to invite them to join their project.

We updated the following in the instance administrator view of ClaimXperience to ensure they conform to level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:

  • The General tab in the Custom Tasks feature
  • The Individual resources, Team resources, Company resources, and Company resourced by tables in the Resources feature
  • The Active rules table
2 December 2022

We fixed an issue that prevented some policyholders from logging in if they were invited to join a ClaimXperience project via a text message.

29 November 2022

When non-policyholder resources with existing ClaimXperience accounts accept an invitation to join a project, they are automatically taken to the password entry screen.

We fixed an issue that prevented PDFs of completed custom tasks from showing all of the questions or answers that should be at the top and bottom of the page.

8 November 2022

We reviewed and updated the form builder to conform to level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

Instance administrators can now create a custom message that displays at the beginning of a video collaboration live call to the call's initiator.

If Xactware administrators have enabled valuation options for ClaimXperience customers with a 360Value contract, valuations can be automatically requested when creating a project.

25 October 2022

We changed the name of the Completion method column to Join method in the Video collaboration session report. We also added Not joined as a join method to indicate the invitee did not join the video collaboration live call.

Users can now link a claim in ClaimXperience with an assignment in XactAnalysis if the claim or policy numbers differ only in terms of whether they contain hyphens or underscores.

We reviewed and updated the Notification, Settings, and Resources modules to ensure the ClaimXperience Administrator platform views conform to level Double-A of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

We fixed an issue that caused the logged-in user’s profile image to display as the user who uploaded a file when the file was actually uploaded by another user.

We fixed an issue that prevented Additional Living Expenses from displaying in the side navigation menu after the additional living expenses task was started.

13 September 2022

The Image Analytics feature is now available in the UK.

We updated the information that displays for hidden team members as follows:

  • The Items to replace card on the Personal Property page now informs hidden team members that unsubmitted replacement items are displayed on that card.
  • In the Personal Property module, hidden team members no longer see
    • The Share task option as a button or in the vertical ellipsis menu
    • The Add button
    • The Submit button
    • The Add receipt button
  • The Additional Living Expenses task card now informs hidden team members that the details about the task will be available after the task has been started by a team member who is not hidden from the policyholder.
  • In the Additional Living Expenses module, hidden team members no longer see
    • The Request receipts button
    • The Share task option in the vertical ellipsis menu
30 August 2022

Users can now select multiple files using the click-and-drag method while in the Files module.

We made additional updates to the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

We fixed an issue that prevented team members from immediately being hidden from view as soon as the Hide from policyholder option is selected for them.

We fixed an issue that prevented depreciation by age from being calculated and a price list from displaying on some Xactimate estimates that were generated from damage assessment automation (DAA) forms.

16 August 2022

We updated the naming convention for zip files containing all project files to include the ClaimXperience claim number to provide more useful information to the user.

A ClaimXperience project email can now be populated automatically if an existing XactAnalysis assignment created via EDI has an email address in the CarrierAttribute3 field when the project is created in an instance with the Project email option enabled.

19 July 2022

We updated the detail reports definitions to more clearly identify the information included in each report.

We made additional updates to the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

We fixed an issue that prevented company team members who were removed from a project from being re-added to that project.

We fixed an issue that prevented instance administrators from adding team members when creating a team or adding team members to an existing team.

5 July 2022

We made additional updates to the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

21 June 2022

Administrators can now allow a project email to be added to a project and choose whether all team member notifications are also sent to the project email or sent only to the project email.

We moved the search and filter options in the Claims Library to a new Search and filter drawer to provide greater consistency with similar options throughout ClaimXperience.

31 May 2022

We made additional updates to the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

18 May 2022

Claims administrators, primary contacts, and full-access team members can now unshare contents and additional living expenses tasks. Users with whom these tasks are unshared no longer have access to those tasks.

Claims administrators, primary contacts, and full-access team members can now unshare files with other users. Users with whom these files are unshared no longer have access to those files.

We updated the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

3 May 2022

We removed the administrator option to automatically run privacy checks on all uploaded images. Non-policyholders now manually select the images on which they want to run privacy checks in the Files and Contents modules.

We updated the way the ClaimXperience portal displays to align with Verisk branding guidelines.

April 13, 2022

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

March 30, 2022

We decreased the amount of white space that displays at the bottom of the mobile app screen on devices using Safari iOS 15.

We improved how users update personal information in the Profile module by providing a drawer where they can add, edit, and delete their information.

15 March 2022

This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.

8 March 2022
We added an informational tooltip to the additional living expenses end date in the Additional Living Expenses info drawer to explain what “end date” refers to.

The Room Shape question for forms is now available in instances with the Fully Accessible option enabled. Users should use the accessibility scanner on existing forms with this question type to confirm that the forms are accessible or to identify what changes are needed to meet the accessibility standards.

We removed the beta designation from the “Allow live call to be accessed via the web (when supported by the user’s browser)” option in the administrator video collaboration settings.

We updated the colour settings to check to automatically detect the proper contrast colour (black or white) to use for displayed text.
8 February 2022
We updated the Current Satisfaction report to display according to the ClaimXperience Created date, with the most recently created projects listed first.

We updated several icons to be easier for users to recognise.

We updated our API offering to allow pending companies to add team members to a project.
25 January 2022
The contents question for forms is now available in instances with the Fully Accessible option enabled. Users should scan existing forms containing this question type to confirm that the forms are accessible or to identify changes they can make to the form to meet the accessibility standards.

Forms that span multiple pages are now available in instances with the Fully Accessible option enabled. Users should scan existing multiple-page forms to confirm they are accessible or to identify changes they can make to meet the accessibility standards.
We updated the page navigation in the Claims Library to allow users to go directly to a specific page by entering that page number.
18 January 2022
This release includes improvements to the performance and stability of ClaimXperience.
7 January 2022
We updated the API calls that display the shared opening and closing statements when users create or assign a damage assessment automation (DAA) task in ClaimXperience.
4 January 2022
Instance administrators can now enable a setting at the resource level that prevents a resource from creating projects in the Claims Library. Enabling this setting does not prevent a resource from creating new projects when they launch ClaimXperience from a linked product. This change affects the Batch Import Resources workflow supported in the Add Resources drawer. Customers who use batch import resources must download the new import template to continue using this feature, because using the old template results in an error.
Archived 2021 ClaimXperience What's New newsletters
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