Primary contact: Primary contact actions

Updated by Jennifer B.

Primary contacts are resources who create projects or who are assigned by either an administrator or the primary contact currently assigned to a project.

If you create a project, you are automatically assigned as the primary contact and will be identified as the primary contact on the policyholder project card. You, the policyholder, and the administrator are the only people who can edit the policyholder’s information.

Primary contacts have complete control over their projects, including the removal of team members and access to all shared content. Primary contacts are notified via email whenever there are project updates that pertain to them, including when another team member has replaced them as the primary contact. Companies can have only one primary contact on a project at a time.

If you are the primary contact and the primary contact is changed, the project is removed from your Claims Library and you can no longer see or make changes to that project. If you are added back to that project as a team member, the project card will re-appear in your Claims Library but you will have only team member access to the project.

As a primary contact, you can invite your policyholder to join the collaboration at any point in the lifecycle of the project, depending on your company's workflows.

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