Administrator: Know if an invoice was processed
You receive an email notification when an invoice has been processed. A PDF copy of that invoice is added to your Files tab, and the project's primary contact receives an email notification.
Getting Started with ClaimXperience
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
ALE Overview
Policyholder: Additional living expenses (ALE)
Policyholder: View a summary of additional living expenses
Expense Receipts
Housing Company
Policyholder: Add a temporary address
Policyholder: Edit temporary housing information
Policyholder: View a history of temporary housing
Policyholder: View housing company information
Additional Mileage
Policyholder: Files overview
Policyholder: View, add, share and download files
Policyholder: File details
Policyholder: Finding and filtering files
Policyholder: File labels
In-app Notifications
My Claim Team
My Tasks
Policyholder: Find submitted task information
Policyholder: Who sees submitted task information
Policyholder: Find uploaded submitted task files
Policyholder: Submitted task information pdf
My Claim Preferences
Contents (Personal Property)
Policyholder: Contents overview
Policyholder: Add, submit, and delete contents items
Policyholder: Find, filter, and edit content inventory items
Policyholder: Flagged contents items
Policyholder: Cleaned and stored contents inventory items
Satisfaction & Feedback
Shared Calendar
Policyholder: Live call duration
Policyholder: Live call pictures
Policyholder: Live call videos
Policyholder: No pictures or videos from a live call
Policyholder: The Measure tool explained
Policyholder: See if you can use the Measure tool
Policyholder: Open the Measure tool
Policyholder: If your video collaboration buttons are disabled
Policyholder: Change Measure tool unit of measure
Policyholder: Take measurements using the Measure tool
Policyholder: Take measurement snapshots
Policyholder: Take measurement videos
Policyholder: Exit the Measure tool
Team Member
Get Started
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
Additional Living Expenses (ALE) overview
Team member: Additional living expenses (ALE) explained
Team member: Share and unshare ALE tasks
Team member: Edit the ALE overview
Team member: Export expenses
Additional Mileage
Normal Expenses
Temporary Addresses
Housing Company
Team member: Add housing information
Team member: Edit housing company information
Team member: See previous housing companies
Expense Receipts
Custom Tasks
Feedback & Satisfaction
Team member: Add files
Team member: Share and unshare files
Team member: When someone adds a file
Team member: View files
Team member: What filtering files does
Team member: Filter files
Team member: Download project files
Team member: Who can see project files
Team member: See file details
Team member: When and where media is captured
Team member: Take a snapshot of an image
Team member: Information for image snapshots
Team member: Take a snapshot of an uploaded video
Team member: Information for video snapshots
Team member: Create a media sheet
Team member: Remove a file from a project
Team member: Files in archived or complete projects
Team member: Edit a label
Team member: Remove a label
Team member: Delete a label
Team member: Create a label
Team member: Apply a label
Team member: Share or unshare a label
Team member: Supported file types
Team member: Privacy checks
Team member: Run a privacy checks
Link to XactAnalysis
Team member: Who links a project to an assignment
Team member: Know if you're linked to XactAnalysis
Team member: Unlink a project from an assignment
Contents (Personal Property)
Contents (Personal Property) Inventory
Team member: Participate in a personal property task
Team member: Know about inventory changes
Team member: Add items to an inventory
Team member: Attach files to an item
Team members: View item information
Team member: Who attaches images to an item
Team member: When to submit inventory changes
Team member: Submit inventory changes
Team member: Delete an inventory item
Team member: Export an inventory to Excel or Xactimate/XactContents
Team member: See ContentsTrack inventory lists
Team member: Create a project through ContentsTrack
Team member: See clean/storage item details
Team member: Know if items are requested for return
Team member: Find specific inventory items
Team member: Edit replacement items
Team member: Personal Property sheet explained
Team member: Create Personal Property sheets
Team member: Learn where media files were captured
Tasks and Flagged Items
Team member: Share a contents task
Team member: Filter flagged items
Team member: See flagged item details
Team member: Complete flagged item tasks
Team member: Who flags replacement items
Team member: Reset the flagged item filtering
How do I know if I need to work on a flagged item?
Team member: Track flagged items
Team member: Know if you have a contents task
Policyholder Preferences
Main Contact
The role of the main contact
Primary contact: Primary contact actions
Primary contact: Save multiple-message conversations
Primary contact: Assign a task
Primary contact: Change the primary contact
Primary contact: Find a processed invoice
Primary contact: Track who accepts a legal agreement
Primary contact: Who flags items
Working with team members
Primary contact: Project resources
Primary contact: Add team members
Primary contact: When to hide or unhide team members
Primary contact: Know if team members are visible
Primary contact: Accept a request to join a project
Primary contact: Reject a request to join a project
Primary contact: Remove someone from a project
Primary contact: Grant someone full rights
Primary contact: Revoke someone's full rights to a project
Primary contact: Hide team members
Primary contact: Make hidden team members visible
Primary contact: How hidden team members participate
Primary contact: Removed and re-added team members
Primary contact: Add a resource
Working with your policyholder
Primary contact: Invite a policyholder to a project
Primary contact: Re-send an invitation to the policyholder
Primary contact: Edit policyholder information
Primary contact: Policyholder preference information
Primary contact: When to edit policyholder preferences
Primary contact: Change policyholder preferences
Primary contact: Allow policyholder to request item return
Hazard Recognition
Primary contact: Hazard recognition described
Primary contact: Provide feedback about missing or misidentified hazards
Primary contact: Submitting feedback benefits your company
Primary contact: Missing or incorrect potential hazards
Primary contact: Who sees hazard recognition scan results
Primary contact: Know if a hazard recognition scan was run
Primary contact: Submitting feedback benefits your policyholder
Contents (Personal Property)
Share and unshare a personal property task
Primary contact: Initiate an inventory
Primary contact: Complete a flagged item task
Primary contact: Filter flagged items
Primary contact: Benefits of flagging items
Primary contact: Alert assignees of flagged items
Primary contact: Assign a flagged item task
Primary contact: Accept changes to flagged items
Primary contact: Reassign flagged items
Claims Library & Projects
Shared Calendar
Team member: The shared calendar explained
Team member: Open the shared calendar
Team member: See event details
Team member: Add an event
Team member: Edit an event
Team member: Delete an event
Team member: Add a shared calendar event to a personal calendar
Video Collaboration
Team member: Start a live call
Team member: Missing live call invitations
Team member: Invitees joining live calls
Team member: Take pictures during a live call
Team member: Record videos during a live call
Team member: Know if there are connection problems
Team member: No videos or snapshots from a live call
Team member: Live call duration
Team member: Live call viewers
Team member: Invite viewers to a live call
Team member: User Viewer Chat
Team member: Remove viewers from a call
Team member: Add a scope
Team member: Delete a scope
Team member: Measure tool described
Team member: Know if you can use the Measure tool
Team member: Know if your device is AR compatible
Team member: Open the Measure tool
Team member: Disabled video collaboration buttons
Team member: Using the Measure tool
Team member: Take a snapshot of a measurement
Team member: Change the Measure tool unit of measurementol?
Team member: Marking a wrong spot
Team member: Exit the Measure tool
What's New in ClaimXperience
What is accessibility?
ClaimXperience accessibillity statement
Administrator: Scan forms for accessibility
Collaboration Settings
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
Administrator: API overview
Administrator: Why use API keys and usernames
Administrator: Who needs the username and API key
Administrator: API offerings and documentation
Administrator: Generate a username and API key
Administrator: If you forget the API key
Custom Tasks
Custom Tasks Overview
What information is available in the Custom Tasks Assigned tab?
Who can assign a task?
How do I see available tasks?
How do I set up automatic reminders to be sent when task assignees don't complete a task?
Administrator: Uploaded task files
Who can see submitted task information?
Custom Tasks Delivery
Custom Task Automation (Damage Assessment Automation [DAA]
Customer Feedback & Satisfaction
Administrator: Create a form
How do I duplicate forms?
How can I find out what forms are available?
How do I see what task is associated with a form?
How do I revert to the previous version of a form?
Administrator: Assign a form to a custom task
Administrator: Preview a form
How do I see if a form is published?
How do I see when a form was last published?
How do I see who last modified the form?
What do I need to know about adding a room shape question to a form?
How do I delete a form?
Are any form templates already Web Content Accessibility Guidelines- (WCAG-) compliant?
What are some of the best practices to use to make forms Web Content Accessibility Guidelines- (WCAG-) compliant?
What does it mean when a form is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)?
Administrator: Require mobile app users to accept the fraud agreement
Administrator: Track who accepts legal agreements
Notification Templates
Customize notification templates
Administrator: Revert to a default notification templates
Administrator: Save copies of project participant emails
Contents (Personal Property)
Reports & Invoices
Administrator: Run a report
Administrator: Access a requested report
Administrator: Know if an invoice was processed
Administrator: Access requested invoices
Administrator: Add your logo to your ClaimXperience website
Administrator: Link your logo to an external website
Administrator: Set your ClaimXperience color scheme
Administrator: If you can't enable Hazard Recognition
Administrator: Hazard Recognition results
Administrator: Know if Hazard Recognition has been run
Administrator: Who sees Hazard Recognition scan results
Administrator: If potential hazards are missing or incorrect
Administrator: Use Hazard Recognition
All Categories > Administrator > Reports & Invoices > Administrator: Know if an invoice was processed
Jennifer B.
You receive an email notification when an invoice has been processed. A PDF copy of that invoice is added to your Files tab, and the project's primary contact receives an email notification.