Team member: In-app notifications

Updated by Jennifer B.

In-app notifications are project-related alerts you receive within ClaimXperience. When you are in the ClaimXperience portal, you can access your notifications in the Notification History page or by clicking the notification bell icon in the upper-right side of your screen to open your Notifications drawer.

In-app notifications are automatically removed from the Notifications drawer and the Notification History after 30 days.

Some notifications may not appear depending on features enabled in your instance.
Choose notifications to see in the portal
All in-app notifications are available in your notification history, but you only receive alerts for the notification you select. You can see selected alerts in your Notification drawer.

Option 1

  1. Select your name in the upper-right side of your screen.
  1. Select My account. This takes you to the Profile page.
  1. Select Notification Preferences from your side navigation menu.
  1. Select the tickboxes for the notifications you want to receive in the portal and those you would like to receive as emails.
  1. Select Save.

Option 2

  1. Select the notification bell icon in the upper-right side of your screen. This opens the Notifications drawer.
  1. Select the Notification Preferences icon.
  1. Select the tickboxes for the notifications you want to receive in the portal and those you would like to receive as emails.
  1. Select Save.
See your notification history

Option 1

  1. Select the notification bell icon in the upper-right side of your screen. This opens the Notifications drawer.
  1. Select the Notification History icon. This takes you to the Notification History page.

Option 2

  1. Select your name in the upper-right side of your screen.
  1. Select My account. This takes you to the Profile page.
  1. Select Notification History. This takes you to the Notification History page.
Manually clear your in-app notification folder
Notifications are automatically deleted 30 days after you receive them.

Clear a single notification

  1. Select the notification bell icon in the upper-right side of your screen. This opens the Notifications drawer.
  1. Select the Remove icon on the notification card. This removes the notification from the Notifications drawer.

Clear all notifications

  1. Select the notification bell icon in the at the upper-right side of your screen. This opens the Notifications drawer.
  1. Select the Clear all icon to clear all in-app notifications from both the Notifications drawer and the Notification History page.

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