Primary contact: Removed and re-added team members
When you re-add a team member to a project, they are notified by email that they have been restored to the project and can participate as a team member again.
Getting Started with ClaimXperience
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
ALE Overview
Policyholder: Additional living expenses (ALE)
Policyholder: View a summary of additional living expenses
Expense Receipts
Housing Company
Policyholder: Add a temporary address
Policyholder: Edit temporary housing information
Policyholder: View a history of temporary housing
Policyholder: View housing company information
Additional Mileage
Policyholder: Files overview
Policyholder: View, add, share and download files
Policyholder: File details
Policyholder: Finding and filtering files
Policyholder: File labels
In-app Notifications
My Claim Team
My Tasks
Policyholder: Find submitted task information
Policyholder: Who sees submitted task information
Policyholder: Find uploaded submitted task files
Policyholder: Submitted task information pdf
My Claim Preferences
Contents (Personal Property)
Policyholder: Contents overview
Policyholder: Add, submit, and delete contents items
Policyholder: Find, filter, and edit content inventory items
Policyholder: Flagged contents items
Policyholder: Cleaned and stored contents inventory items
Satisfaction & Feedback
Shared Calendar
Policyholder: Live call duration
Policyholder: Live call pictures
Policyholder: Live call videos
Policyholder: No pictures or videos from a live call
Policyholder: The Measure tool explained
Policyholder: See if you can use the Measure tool
Policyholder: Open the Measure tool
Policyholder: If your video collaboration buttons are disabled
Policyholder: Change Measure tool unit of measure
Policyholder: Take measurements using the Measure tool
Policyholder: Take measurement snapshots
Policyholder: Take measurement videos
Policyholder: Exit the Measure tool
Team Member
Get Started
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
Additional Living Expenses (ALE) overview
Team member: Additional living expenses (ALE) explained
Team member: Share and unshare ALE tasks
Team member: Edit the ALE overview
Team member: Export expenses
Additional Mileage
Normal Expenses
Temporary Addresses
Housing Company
Team member: Add housing information
Team member: Edit housing company information
Team member: See previous housing companies
Expense Receipts
Custom Tasks
Feedback & Satisfaction
Team member: Add files
Team member: Share and unshare files
Team member: When someone adds a file
Team member: View files
Team member: What filtering files does
Team member: Filter files
Team member: Download project files
Team member: Who can see project files
Team member: See file details
Team member: When and where media is captured
Team member: Take a snapshot of an image
Team member: Information for image snapshots
Team member: Take a snapshot of an uploaded video
Team member: Information for video snapshots
Team member: Create a media sheet
Team member: Remove a file from a project
Team member: Files in archived or complete projects
Team member: Edit a label
Team member: Remove a label
Team member: Delete a label
Team member: Create a label
Team member: Apply a label
Team member: Share or unshare a label
Team member: Supported file types
Team member: Privacy checks
Team member: Run a privacy checks
Link to XactAnalysis
Team member: Who links a project to an assignment
Team member: Know if you're linked to XactAnalysis
Team member: Unlink a project from an assignment
Contents (Personal Property)
Contents (Personal Property) Inventory
Team member: Participate in a personal property task
Team member: Know about inventory changes
Team member: Add items to an inventory
Team member: Attach files to an item
Team members: View item information
Team member: Who attaches images to an item
Team member: When to submit inventory changes
Team member: Submit inventory changes
Team member: Delete an inventory item
Team member: Export an inventory to Excel or Xactimate/XactContents
Team member: See ContentsTrack inventory lists
Team member: Create a project through ContentsTrack
Team member: See clean/storage item details
Team member: Know if items are requested for return
Team member: Find specific inventory items
Team member: Edit replacement items
Team member: Personal Property sheet explained
Team member: Create Personal Property sheets
Team member: Learn where media files were captured
Tasks and Flagged Items
Team member: Share a contents task
Team member: Filter flagged items
Team member: See flagged item details
Team member: Complete flagged item tasks
Team member: Who flags replacement items
Team member: Reset the flagged item filtering
How do I know if I need to work on a flagged item?
Team member: Track flagged items
Team member: Know if you have a contents task
Policyholder Preferences
Main Contact
The role of the main contact
Primary contact: Primary contact actions
Primary contact: Save multiple-message conversations
Primary contact: Assign a task
Primary contact: Change the primary contact
Primary contact: Find a processed invoice
Primary contact: Track who accepts a legal agreement
Primary contact: Who flags items
Working with team members
Primary contact: Project resources
Primary contact: Add team members
Primary contact: When to hide or unhide team members
Primary contact: Know if team members are visible
Primary contact: Accept a request to join a project
Primary contact: Reject a request to join a project
Primary contact: Remove someone from a project
Primary contact: Grant someone full rights
Primary contact: Revoke someone's full rights to a project
Primary contact: Hide team members
Primary contact: Make hidden team members visible
Primary contact: How hidden team members participate
Primary contact: Removed and re-added team members
Primary contact: Add a resource
Working with your policyholder
Primary contact: Invite a policyholder to a project
Primary contact: Re-send an invitation to the policyholder
Primary contact: Edit policyholder information
Primary contact: Policyholder preference information
Primary contact: When to edit policyholder preferences
Primary contact: Change policyholder preferences
Primary contact: Allow policyholder to request item return
Hazard Recognition
Primary contact: Hazard recognition described
Primary contact: Provide feedback about missing or misidentified hazards
Primary contact: Submitting feedback benefits your company
Primary contact: Missing or incorrect potential hazards
Primary contact: Who sees hazard recognition scan results
Primary contact: Know if a hazard recognition scan was run
Primary contact: Submitting feedback benefits your policyholder
Contents (Personal Property)
Share and unshare a personal property task
Primary contact: Initiate an inventory
Primary contact: Complete a flagged item task
Primary contact: Filter flagged items
Primary contact: Benefits of flagging items
Primary contact: Alert assignees of flagged items
Primary contact: Assign a flagged item task
Primary contact: Accept changes to flagged items
Primary contact: Reassign flagged items
Claims Library & Projects
Shared Calendar
Team member: The shared calendar explained
Team member: Open the shared calendar
Team member: See event details
Team member: Add an event
Team member: Edit an event
Team member: Delete an event
Team member: Add a shared calendar event to a personal calendar
Video Collaboration
Team member: Start a live call
Team member: Missing live call invitations
Team member: Invitees joining live calls
Team member: Take pictures during a live call
Team member: Record videos during a live call
Team member: Know if there are connection problems
Team member: No videos or snapshots from a live call
Team member: Live call duration
Team member: Live call viewers
Team member: Invite viewers to a live call
Team member: User Viewer Chat
Team member: Remove viewers from a call
Team member: Add a scope
Team member: Delete a scope
Team member: Measure tool described
Team member: Know if you can use the Measure tool
Team member: Know if your device is AR compatible
Team member: Open the Measure tool
Team member: Disabled video collaboration buttons
Team member: Using the Measure tool
Team member: Take a snapshot of a measurement
Team member: Change the Measure tool unit of measurementol?
Team member: Marking a wrong spot
Team member: Exit the Measure tool
What's New in ClaimXperience
What is accessibility?
ClaimXperience accessibillity statement
Administrator: Scan forms for accessibility
Collaboration Settings
Additional Living Expenses (ALE)
Administrator: API overview
Administrator: Why use API keys and usernames
Administrator: Who needs the username and API key
Administrator: API offerings and documentation
Administrator: Generate a username and API key
Administrator: If you forget the API key
Custom Tasks
Custom Tasks Overview
What information is available in the Custom Tasks Assigned tab?
Who can assign a task?
How do I see available tasks?
How do I set up automatic reminders to be sent when task assignees don't complete a task?
Administrator: Uploaded task files
Who can see submitted task information?
Custom Tasks Delivery
Custom Task Automation (Damage Assessment Automation [DAA]
Customer Feedback & Satisfaction
Administrator: Create a form
How do I duplicate forms?
How can I find out what forms are available?
How do I see what task is associated with a form?
How do I revert to the previous version of a form?
Administrator: Assign a form to a custom task
Administrator: Preview a form
How do I see if a form is published?
How do I see when a form was last published?
How do I see who last modified the form?
What do I need to know about adding a room shape question to a form?
How do I delete a form?
Are any form templates already Web Content Accessibility Guidelines- (WCAG-) compliant?
What are some of the best practices to use to make forms Web Content Accessibility Guidelines- (WCAG-) compliant?
What does it mean when a form is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)?
Administrator: Require mobile app users to accept the fraud agreement
Administrator: Track who accepts legal agreements
Notification Templates
Customize notification templates
Administrator: Revert to a default notification templates
Administrator: Save copies of project participant emails
Contents (Personal Property)
Reports & Invoices
Administrator: Run a report
Administrator: Access a requested report
Administrator: Know if an invoice was processed
Administrator: Access requested invoices
Administrator: Add your logo to your ClaimXperience website
Administrator: Link your logo to an external website
Administrator: Set your ClaimXperience color scheme
Administrator: If you can't enable Hazard Recognition
Administrator: Hazard Recognition results
Administrator: Know if Hazard Recognition has been run
Administrator: Who sees Hazard Recognition scan results
Administrator: If potential hazards are missing or incorrect
Administrator: Use Hazard Recognition
All Categories > Team Member > Main Contact > Working with team members > Primary contact: Removed and re-added team members
Jennifer B.
When you re-add a team member to a project, they are notified by email that they have been restored to the project and can participate as a team member again.