Team member: Create a project through ContentsTrack

Updated by Jennifer B.

The Create ClaimXperience project dialog will be prefilled with any available project data from ContentsTrack. Add any missing information. Policyholder and claim number are required.
  1. Log in to ContentsTrack.
  2. Select the job for which you want to create a ClaimXperience project.
  3. Click Inventory.
  4. Click Customer Portal.
If you are linked to multiple ClaimXperience companies, you will need to select the company the project should be accessed under.
At this point, you have the option to invite the policyholder to ClaimXperience and select how the invitation will be sent. You can also invite the policyholder at a later time from within the ClaimXperience portal.
You cannot create a ClaimXperience project if one with the same claim number and policyholder already exists. If the project you are trying to create is not new, you will be prompted to request team member access in order to participate.
If your ContentsTrack company has not already been set up and configured in ClaimXperience, you will be prompted to do so.

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