Team member: Send and reply to a message

Updated by Jennifer B.

Send a message
Shared messages are viewable by the users who are chosen as recipients, as well as the project's primary contact and their company.

Option 1

  1. Select the Send message quick action button at the top of your dashboard.
  1. Select New message under your name at the upper-right side of your screen.
  1. Click the Select recipients line in the Write a new message card to see a list of potential recipients.
  2. Select the check boxes for the users you want to send the message to.
  3. Write your message.
  1. Select Send.

Option 2

  1. Select Messages from your side navigation menu.
  1. Select New Message under your name in the upper-right side of your screen.
  1. Click the Select recipients line in the Write a new message card to see a list of potential recipients.
  2. Select the check boxes for the users you want to send the messages to.
  3. Write your message.
  1. Select Send.
Reply to a message

Option 1

  1. Select the Send message quick action button at the top of your dashboard.
  1. Select the message you want to reply to from the Conversations list.
  1. Type your message in the Write a reply dialog.
  2. Select Reply.

Option 2

  1. Select Messages in your side navigation menu.
  1. Select the message you want to reply to from the Conversations list.
  1. Type your message in the Write a reply dialog.
  2. Select Reply.

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