Team member: Using the Measure tool

Updated by Jennifer B.

Measure a line during a video collaboration live call
  1. Tap the ruler icon .
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions until your device recognizes a surface.
  3. Move the reticule to the starting point of the measurement.
  4. Tap the Add measurement plus sign .
  5. Move the reticle to the ending point of the measurement.
  6. Tap the Add measurement plus sign .
Measure a flat area during a video collaboration live call
  1. Tap the ruler icon .
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions until your device recognizes a surface.
  3. Move the reticle to the starting point of the measurement.
  4. Tap the Add measurement plus sign .
  5. Move the reticle to the ending point of the measurement.
  6. Tap the Add measurement plus sign .
  7. Repeat steps three through six to measure the remaining lines.
Each end of a line acts like a magnet and snaps the reticle to it if the reticle is close. You can start or end a new line on any end of an existing line by moving the reticle close enough to the end of the line that the reticle snaps to it, then tap the Add measurement plus sign to either start or complete the line segment.
The perpendicular line tool appears whenever the first segment of a line is marked. This allows for easy measuring of height or width and helps ensure easy measuring of surfaces that might be difficult to measure, such as heights on a wall. To measure the height on a wall, mark a point on the floor, move the reticle to follow the vertical line up until you reach the desired stopping point and tap the Add measurement plus sign to end the line segment.

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