Contents Collaboration: Create or edit a loss inventory
Jennifer B.
We're listening! We will continue to look for ways to make this process easier, and we appreciate your feedback.
You cannot edit an item after you submit it (selecting the Submit button).
When you receive the notification email for your claim, use the Access Contents Collaboration link provided to go to the Collaboration Account Creation page.
On the Collaboration Account Creation page, create a password and click Begin.
Begin filling out your loss inventory.
Add items to the inventory by typing directly into the inventory table or by clicking Add or Click to add a new item.
Columns that must contain information are marked with an asterisk (*) in the column header. If any required fields are empty, the Submit button will not be active.
Filter your Loss Inventory using specific search terms in Search Loss Inventory. You can search by a specific column. To return to your full loss inventory, clear your search term or click Return to full Loss inventory.
Attach images to line items by clicking View attachments.
Add files using No files chosen.
Contents Collaboration only supports the following image types: JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF.
After you complete your loss inventory, select Submit Inventory. You must fill out all required fields before you can submit your loss inventory.
Loss inventory table column descriptions
Item description is the description of the damaged item.
Brand or manufacturer is the person or company that produced the damaged item.
Model number is the manufacturer-assigned model number of the damaged item.
Qty lost is the number of items identified in the Item description column that were damaged.
Item age is the age of the item that was damaged or lost.
Cost to replace pre-tax (each) refers to how much it would cost to replace the item that was damaged or lost.
Condition/use is the condition of the item that was damaged or lost.
Business use is asking if the damaged or lost item was used for a business.
Room is the room in which the damaged or lost item was at the time of the loss.
The paperclip icon provides a way to attach a file. Please note that only the following file types can be attached: JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF.
Receipts table column descriptions
Item description is the description of the damaged item.
Qty lost is the number of items identified in the Item description column that were damaged.
Qty replaced is the number of items you have purchased to replace lost or damaged items.
Est. replacement cost (each) is an estimate of how much it would cost to replace each item.
Actual cash value (each) is the value of each item after the item’s depreciation has been removed from the replacement cost.
Pre-tax purchase price of all items is the total amount of the replacement items you purchased before tax is added.
Place of purchase is the location or company from which you purchased the item.
Date purchased is the date you purchased the replacement item.
Room is the room in which the damaged or lost item was at the time of the loss.